
Regional Civic Health Collaborative

YMCA of the USA is requesting proposals from Youth and Government state programs to lead a Regional Civic Health Collaborative of 5 states including at least 1-2 states currently not offering Youth and Government.

Proposals will be for $125,000 in funding towards a 3-year plan that results in financially stable, equitably accessible, and diverse/inclusive Youth and Government programs in each state within the collaborative. The state that receives this funding will have discretion in the use of funds, but must fulfill the following criteria:
  • All collaborative funding must be utilized for the expansion of the YMCA Youth and Government program, with a focus on recruiting underrepresented student communities in both existing state programs as well as the participating state(s) new to Youth and Government.
  • Any staff hired with the funds must spend a majority of their time focused on the supporting the development of the new state program(s), as well as the recruitment of students and advisors from new communities that increase the diversity of experiences and perspectives within existing programming.
  • New advisors recruited through collaborative funding will serve as a Civic Health Champions for their respective schools (stipend levels set by the sponsoring state program), and administer the Youth Civic Health Survey to both their Youth and Government participants as well as non-participants in their school's overall student body.
  • The state program selected to lead the collaborative will participate in ongoing reporting, tracking, and documentation with the support of Y-USA, producing resources and best practices that will provide interested states with a roadmap for replicating collaborative efforts in other regions.
RFP Submission Deadline: RFPs are considered annually based on availability of funding.

Participating States

Which Youth and Government state program will lead your Regional Civic Health Collaborative? 

What is the second state in your collaborative?

What is the third state in your collaborative?

What is the fourth state in your collaborative?

What is the fifth state in your collaborative?

Collaborative Framework

Please describe the current program structure, program offerings, participation statistics, and any other relevant context for each state participating in your proposed collaborative.

Please describe your goals for the 3-year progression of each participating state’s program offerings and participation statistics if your proposed collaborative receives the funding.

Please submit a proposed 3-year budget (Excel/Spreadsheets Preferred) for use of the collaborative funding, broken down annually by category/state.

If your collaborative proposal/budget includes funding for new staff positions, please provide a brief job description for the position(s), including any expected roles and responsibilities. If you do not plan on using any collaborative funding for staff positions, put "Not Applicable." 

Please describe your plan to ensure financial and programmatic sustainability for all participating states once the collaborative funding has been exhausted.

How many Civic Health Champions do you intend to recruit and support in each participating state during the first year of your collaborative plan?

How many program participants and non-participating students would you like to survey in each participating state during the first year of your collaborative plan? 

What communities (geographic, affinity-based, cultural, professional, etc.) would be your focus for recruitment and growth in each participating state?

What existing partner organizations, associations, networks, etc. are you interested in connecting with to support your proposed collaborative?

Please provide any additional support, information, or context for your proposed collaborative that hasn't already been covered or explained in your earlier responses.