Scholarship - Info

County and School Information
Our system works best when we can find your old contact record if you've participated with us prior to now. If we can look you up, your information will pre-fill, if we can't we'll create a contact record for you that you can use moving forward. 

This form works for our students and adults. If you are an adult advisor or chaperone who will be at KYA or KUNA, please complete the form with yourself in mind. 

Pro-tip for finding your record:
If you have participated since 2017, but have not yet participated in this current school year, please use the county and school from the last time you participated - you'll have the option to change to your current school later. 
If you're new to us, select the county your current school resides in. 

Out-of-State: Indiana is listed as a county, otherwise select Out-of-State.
Other: Select Other if your school does not appear in the next question as an option.

Name and Email

Legal first name. If you cannot find your legal first name and go by a different preferred name, try searching it. If your name is not here, please use the checkbox option below.

Legal last name. If you cannot find your legal first name and go by a different preferred name, try searching it. If your name is not here, please use the checkbox option below.
If your name does not pop up, and when you hit submit it says "You must select an item from the list", please fill out the Info Form at this link: Info Form

Once you finish, simply refresh this page and you will be able to enter your name.