Y-Corps Passion Project: Storytelling Your Service

General Info

Advocacy keeps stories alive.

True service is an investment in a community that moves beyond volunteerism. Your Passion Project is an opportunity to create a service project or participate in an ongoing effort that you execute with or on behalf of an organization, group, or other beneficiary that will allow you to advocate for and serve their needs with greater depth and meaning. 

Service often helps preserve the narratives and histories of people and places that may otherwise be forgotten, neglected, or erased. You will see reflections of this throughout your Y-Corps experience both before, during, and after your journey!

By reflecting on and recording answers to the following prompts, you will preserve a Y-Corps Story of Service - a story that, without your writing, would never be told. 

And that, teams, is advocacy at its finest.

Due: June 17, 2022 - 11:59 PM CST


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County and School Information

Out-of-State: Indiana is listed as a county, otherwise select Out-of-State.
Other: Select Other if your school does not appear in the next question as an option.

Name and Email

Legal first name. If you cannot find your legal first name and go by a different preferred name, try searching it.

Legal last name. If you cannot find your legal first name and go by a different preferred name, try searching it.
If your name is not available or you are receiving an error on the next page that says "Lookup Returned No Record" please contact dustin@kyymca.org
Y-Corps Team 2022

If you are a Captain, please select Y-Corps Captain and not the team you will be on.

The Details & Story

How many total hours did you serve related to your Passion Project? (Note: These hours must also be recorded and verified on MobileServe.)

Which organization, individual, and/or other beneficiary was the recipient of your energy throughout the course of your Passion Project? (Note: This should be as specific as possible. For example, do not list "a park", but rather the organization (if applicable), as well as the specific name of the park and the town, such as: The Olmsted Conservancy Organization, Cherokee Park in Louisville, KY.)

This is your space to share your Passion Project, a story of transformation. If the Covid 19 pandemic affected how you planned or implemented your passion project, please include that in your story. As you write a cohesive and detailed story about your Passion Project, consider writing about a few or all of the following questions: Was there a specific individual that transformed as a result of your service? What did you learn or how were you challenged? In what ways did you see growth - for yourself, for another individual, for an organization? You can also utilize a more traditional format: Story of Me, Story of Us, Story of Now. Your response should be a minimum of 3 thoughtful paragraphs. Remember that this is not a summary. Summaries are brief re-tellings of events of stories. We want the story itself: a narrative of your advocacy. Finally,  upon completion, we encourage you to copy and paste your story and share it as a #MyYCorps post on your social media platforms!